Friday, April 8, 2011

Benzonatate For Asthma Patients

EMILIMA .....¿ the saviors of the PARTY? PLAY POKER AND A Deep

Helfer the month of January the fans on tenterhooks Lima lives that happen to the plaza de Acho the next five years and thus our Feria del Señor de los Milagros. The Municipality of Lima, has the last word and it looks like a strategic move that will win the group had no cards to win the game of Poker.

The Taurolima Villafuerte and his company had submitted the only project at the invitation of Public Welfare, when it was still attached to the central government. But the prime contractor in recent years, the farmer Roberto Puga, who had even offered bulls for the next 3 years Villafuerte themselves made a masterstroke. Despite not having enough money to invest alongside Taurolima, met with the people of the Charity, and got the invitation to be postponed as we say in one file, "a DIIT it." Even managed to change the first lines proposed.

At the same time, puppet clothes which was devoted to convince bored people with fat wallets and sufficiently ... useful to form a company and take away what appeared Taurolima won without competition. Taurolima had a poker hand, the best possible hand, a royal flush. And those who came from an averagely good management of the square especially the last 2 years of the 5 that occupied.

So Puga had a plan to defer as much as possible the issue so that ultimately not get anything. He played with 5 different cards that completed or a couple.

But the days running, and it seemed almost impossible that a transfer of ownership of the Plaza de Toros to the Municipality of Lima, to decide on a contract for the next 5 years in the figure, no lease for the period of the Fair of the Lord of Miracles (just 2 months), but below the figure of usufruct, a whole new way of understanding the contract between both parties.

So the great fear Vilafuerte and the plan of "Bobby" became reality a few weeks ago the Plaza de Toros is already owned by the Municipality of Lima, and now the ultimate responsibility to decide about their future.

The cards are shuffled again. After having a poker hand, and everything arranged, the Villafuerte up the ante now apparently only two pairs, not knowing that the rest.

The charge of making and deciding on the Plaza and thus our Feria del Señor de los Milagros is EMILIMA. Board of Directors made for other purposes, but now be responsible for the Plaza.

But all will wonder who are these. That takes them to decide between the three companies bidders. Taurolima (Villafuerte), the Bulls and Tourism Consortium (Puga, Guzman Aguirre García Martínez and English) and Catalaninca. The latter represented by pseudo journalist, entrepreneur, peddlers, but chopper business profession, a Frenchman living in our land so generous that welcomes all. Juan Luis Pous.

Here the answer of those who shape it.

The new management appointed Susana Villaran a directory to handle the administration and municipal theaters Segua. Now be added the Plaza de Acho.

Municipal Real Estate Company of Lima (EMILIMA SA) named its new board, comprised of a specialized, multidisciplinary team with great experience, chaired by Dr. Carlos E. Castillo Sánchez and integrated by architect Augusto Ortiz de Zevallos, Dr. Enrique Bernales Ballesteros, the Masters Luis Repetto Málaga and lawyer Manuel Fernando Velarde Dellepiane.

Dr. Carlos E. Sánchez Castillo is a prominent lawyer at the Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), with postgraduate studies at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. He is an expert in management and public administration, formerly of PROMPERÚ and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), Chief of Staff of the National Superintendency of Tax Administration (SUNAT), twice Secretary General Ministry of Women and Social Development (MIMDES), Consultant Development Bank (IDB) and co-founder of the Tax Administration Service (SAT) of Lima.

accompany him in the directory Augusto Ortiz de Zevallos, architect of the National Engineering University (UNI), responsible for the development of many projects for the city of Lima, including Lima Center Plan, the Great Park and Lima Green Coast Project. Is now responsible for project management Verde River.

For his part, Dr. Enrique Bernales Ballesteros has a degree in Political Science from the PUCP and Doctor of Laws from the University of Grenoble - France. Cultural transmission Peru through the program of the Opera and Zarzuela in the city of Lima. He was rapporteur of the Human Rights Commission United Nations, Member of the Commission of Truth and Reconciliation and First Vice President of Senate and Senator for three terms between 1980 and 1992.

is also the master's director Luis Repetto Málaga, administrator with expertise in Museology (Mexico). He is president of ICOM-LAC Regional Organisation for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Council of Museums, Folk Art director of the Riva-Agüero, PUCP, general coordinator of the Ibero-American Cemeteries Management and Valuation of Heritage, and was director of the National Institute of Culture (INC).

Finally, Fernando Velarde Manuel Dellepiane, PUCP lawyer and MBA from University of London (Great Britain). National Superintendent was SUNAT and CEO of the General Counsel Office of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

With this directory, EMILIMA SA has a mission to complete the works started in the previous administration, such as the Municipal Theatre and the Metropolitan Museum, within 90 days. At the same time, start with the implementation of the Green River project, which will make the bank of the Rimac in a circuit that links the historic center, the square Acho part of the city of Rimac and the restoration of the Teatro Segura, considered the active space devoted to Latin America's oldest theater.

Who will win? "THE PROPOSALS? ........... (Next article)


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